International Relaxation Day Online Conference Speakers
Conference co-ordinators
Professor Stephen Palmer PhD and Dr Siobhain O’Riordan PhD are the conference co-ordinators. Both are speaking the event.

Professor Stephen Palmer PhD CBiol CPsychol CSci CPsychol FIHPE (Hon) FISMA (Hon) is a Chartered Scientist, Chartered Biologist, Chartered Coaching Psychologist, Registered Health Psychologist and APECS Accredited Executive Coach and Supervisor. He is a BABCP Accredited Cognitive Behaviour Therapist and AREBT Accredited Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapist and Coach.
He is President and Fellow of the International Society for Coaching Psychology, Vice President and Honorary Fellow of the Institute for Health Promotion and Education, former President and Honorary Fellow of both the the International Stress Management Association (UK) and Association for Coaching. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Leadership and Management and Royal Society of Biology. He is Co-Editor of International Journal of Stress Prevention and Wellbeing, former editor and now Consulting Editor of the International Journal of Health Promotion & Education. He has written/edited 60 books including How to Deal with Stress (with Cooper), and Handbook of Coaching Psychology (with Whybrow). He has had a long-term interest in relaxation techniques. In 1993, he authored a book, Multimodal Techniques: Relaxation and Hypnosis and has regularly written about relaxation techniques in books and articles over 30 years.
His academic posts include being Professor of Practice at the Wales Academy for Professional Practice and Research, University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD), and Adjunct Professor of Coaching Psychology, Aalborg University, Denmark. Previously he has been a Director of the Coaching Psychology Unit, City University London; Honorary Director of the Coaching Psychology Unit at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Brazil, and BABCP London Branch Co-chair. He is a Director of Studies and supervisor of PhD students at UWTSD.

Dr Siobhain O’Riordan PhD CSci CPsychol FISCP MIHPE Hon is Chartered Scientist and Chartered Coaching Psychologist. She has full divisional membership of the British Psychological Society (BPS) Division of Academics, Researchers and Teachers in Psychology (DARTP) and is a member of the BPS Psychobiology Section. She is Course Co-Director on the stress management and coaching programmes and a trainer at the Centre for Coaching. She is an Honorary Member of the Institute for Health Promotion and Education, Fellow of the International Society for Coaching Psychology and Accredited Coaching Psychologist and Supervisor. From 2013-2015 she was Editor of the International Journal of Health Promotion & Education. Currently, she is Founder Chair of the International Society for Coaching Psychology, Editor of the International Journal of Coaching Psychology, Consulting Editor of The Coaching Psychologist and Editor of Coaching Psychology International. Her other roles include supervising doctorate students at the Wales Academy for Professional Practice and Research, University of Wales Trinity Saint David where she is a Research Fellow. She is also a Director of the International Academy for Professional Development Ltd. She has published research and practice papers and her latest book is Introduction to Coaching Psychology (2021, with Palmer).
Conference Speakers

Yumna Ali is currently a doctoral researcher of psychology in Hazara University, Pakistan. She completed her General Certificate of Secondary Education from University of Cambridge and holds a TEFL certificate from City University New York. Recently, has completed her research training from Saudi National Institute of Health. She has published in the university journals of Romania, Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Netherlands, Azerbaijan and Spain. She is a life time member of Pakistan Psychological Association (PPA) and a member of American Psychological Association (APA). Her peer review record is of 60+ articles in high impact factor journals.

Lorenza Clifford BSc MSc (Occ Psych) is an executive coach and coaching supervisor with a background in Psychology who founded working with leaders and coaches to face what is going ‘with the grain’ of who they are, and their nature, ecosystems and economy. We are coming to terms with new realities through enhanced curiosity, presence, choice and relationships. Let’s embrace our future courageously.

Liz Hall is a leadership/ executive coach and trained mindfulness teacher.
A Senior Practitioner Coach (European Mentoring and Coaching Council), Liz’s work is informed by mindfulness, compassion, somatics, attachment theory, systems thinking/feeling and adult vertical development, amongst others.
Liz Hall is an award-winning journalist and coach. Awards include the Periodical Training Association’s Journalist of the Year award and the Association for Coaching’s Award for Impacting (Leadership/External Focus) Service to the Wider Community for 2010-11. Liz Hall is the editor and co-owner of Coaching at Work magazine.

Judit Varkonyi-Sepp CPsychol, CSci, AssocMISCP is a Chartered Psychologist and Health and Care Professions Council-registered practitioner Health Psychologist, a chartered member of the British Psychological Society. Judit works as a clinician in physical health settings in the United Kingdom National Health Service in a large acute teaching hospital and is a research fellow at the University of Southampton and Research Speciality Lead at the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. She is also a coaching psychologist in the National Health Service Leadership Academy.

Dr. Qing Wang is an educational psychologist, chartered psychologist, accredited coaching psychologist and a passionate lifelong learner. She completed PhD from University of Bristol and currently works as Associate Professor in Educational and Coaching Psychology at the School of Psychology and Cognitive Science, East China Normal University (ECNU). She established Educational Coaching Research Group (ECRG) at ECNU focusing on coaching psychology research and practice in the field of education. She is Fellow of International Society for Coaching Psychology (ISCP), Associate Fellow and Chartered Psychologist of British Psychological Society (BPS) and Chartered Member of International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP). With a genuine interest in coaching psychology for learning, she explores, designs, delivers and evaluates coaching models and approaches with teachers and students in secondary schools, medical schools, vocational schools, universities and in parents’ education.
This webinar is supported by the International Academy for Professional Development Ltd who are providing the Zoom Webinar facilities.
Link to Event disclaimer.