International Relaxation Day Online Conference

15th August, 2024

Start Time: TBC

Location: Virtual, Zoom Conference

Cost: Free event

Welcome to the International Relaxation Day Online Conference, 2024. We have presentations from relaxation and stress experts, academics, researchers and practitioners sharing with us their knowledge about relaxation techniques. For ease of watching internationally with the different time zones, our conference has been pre-recorded. The links to the video recordings go live on 15th August.

Who is this conference for?

The conference may interest members of the public who may wish to learn more about relaxation techniques and their benefits to health and wellbeing. The conference may also interest health professionals.

The conference is recognised by the Association for Rational Emotive Therapy and the International Society for Coaching Psychology for continuing professional development (CPD). Both organisations support International Relaxation Day.


Introduction to the International Relaxation Day Conference with Dr Stephen Palmer PhD and Dr Siobhain O’Riordan PhD

Overview to relaxation techniques with Dr Stephen Palmer PhD and Dr Siobhain O’Riordan PhD. They will provide an overview to relaxation techniques, key research and there will be an opportunity to have a go at a simple relaxation exercise and evaluate its effectiveness.

Dr Stephen Palmer PhD

Dr Stephen Palmer PhD CBiol CPsychol CSci CPsychol FIHPE (Hon) FISMA (Hon) is a Chartered Scientist, Chartered Biologist, Chartered Coaching Psychologist, Registered Health Psychologist and APECS Accredited Executive Coach and Supervisor. He is a BABCP Accredited Cognitive Behaviour Therapist and AREBT Accredited Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapist and Coach. He is Adjunct Professor of Coaching Psychology, Aalborg University, Denmark and a Director of Studies and supervisor of PhD students at UWTSD.

Dr Siobhain O’Riordan PhD

Dr Siobhain O’Riordan PhD CSci CPsychol FISCP MIHPE Hon is Chartered Scientist and Chartered Coaching Psychologist. She has full divisional membership of the British Psychological Society (BPS) Division of Academics, Researchers and Teachers in Psychology (DARTP) and is a member of the BPS Psychobiology Section. She has published research and practice papers and her latest book is Introduction to Coaching Psychology (2021, with Palmer).

Liz Hall

Mindfulness, with Liz Hall, author of Mindful Coaching: How Mindfulness can Transform Coaching Practice and Editor of Coaching at Work magazine.

Zoom facilities

This conference is supported by the International Academy for Professional Development Ltd who are providing the Zoom Webinar facilities.

Link to Event disclaimer.
